Print writing summary Below, you will find information concerning news events th

Print writing summary
Below, you will find information concerning news events that are relevant to your community. As a journalist, it is your job to report on these issues. For each of the events listed, use the techniques discussed in class and write a summary lead with a corresponding nutgraph.
Dallas Green hates ducks. Witnesses at Charleston Southern University told police that Green tackled a duck and punched it numerous times. Green left the unconscious animal on the lawn in front of the Center for Christian Leadership.Green was selling posters at the time of the incident Dorchester County Police arrested Green on today. According to police, Green, 20, was charged with two counts of animal cruelty. Police said the duck was unresponsive when they arrived at the scene and was now under the care of local wildlife officials. Green told police that he believed the animal was threatening his life. Police officials would not comment on Green’s mental state. Green, a student at the school was barred from campus for the foreseeable future.
2. The South Carolina Department of Health released the newest COVID-19 vaccine to various locations across the Low Country earlier in the week. Charleston residents older than 16 can get the COVID-19 vaccine starting today Dr. Kim Turner, health director of the Charleston County Department of Health and Wellness, strongly encourage everyone, especially those in high-risk groups to get the vaccine. Those that are considered high risk include people over the age of 50, nursing home residents, healthcare workers, pregnant women, law enforcement, and teachers. Turner said there has been a high demand due to the number of COVID cases locally. There have been 40,535 total cases in Charleston County since March 2020 with 480 deaths. The shots are free to the public.
You are a reporter for the Post & Courier. Below you will find all the information necessary to write an article. Using the information provided, write an article in inverted pyramid format. Lead choice is up to you.
A group of 55 cyclists from the United States arrived in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam today. They ended a 1,200-mile course through Vietnam. The trip took them 20 days. The course was grueling through some of the country’s mountainous areas as well as flat parts. The group camped and stayed in villages along the way. The U.S. Cycling Federation, which arranged the tour, said it planned to organize another event next year. Officials said the tours are a way to allow U.S. residents to get a close-up look at the country and their people. When the group arrived, it was greeted by firecrackers, flower necklaces, and cold towels. Bob Lester, 33, of Summerville, was one of the cyclists on the trip. He said This trio was the most amazing thing I have ever done in my life. I would recommend the experience to anyone who can pedal a bike.” The cyclists are expected to return to the United States in two weeks. The tour was part of an effort to open Vietnam to outsiders and to present a different picture of the country than people had come to expect from the Vietnam War. Among the cyclists were seven Vietnam veterans and three Vietnamese Americans, all from the United States. The 55 cvclists were from 23 states. Several of the Americans said the journey had erased doubts they might have had about Vietnam and its people. Federation spokesperson John Smith said, “This is truly a unique opportunity for these riders to have both a cultural and competitive experience.” Lester made the trip a goal three years ago when he beat throat cancer. He also quit smoking and took up bike riding. Fellow rider and Vietnam vet Dave Davies, 58, of Tampa, Florida, said, “Bob is a good guy. Yeah, he can ride with the best of them, but I really enjoy spending time with him He has a very positive outlook on life.” Lester said, “The last few years have been hard, but this makes it all worthwhile. It’s just me against the course.” Lester added. “It’s been great seeing so many people who have had different experiences in their lives, as well as in this country, come together.” Lester is a science teacher at Summerville Middle School. “Without my wife, I don’t think any of this would be possible.” Lester has been married to his wife, Cari, for seven years. He credits her for helping him get through cancer.

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