Principal-agent relationships, where one political actor delegates certain respo

Principal-agent relationships, where one political actor delegates certain responsibilities to another actor, are pervasive in politics. One exists between the public and members of Congress and another one exists between Congress and executive branch agencies. Describe both relationships by telling us: Who is the principal and who is the agent? What responsibilities does the principal delegate to the agent? What mechanisms exist for the principal to oversee, monitor, and—when necessary—punish the agent? What opportunities and resources exist for the agent to exploit this relationship and adhere to the principal’s demands less faithfully than the principal desires?
Then, identify a group in the United States that had grievances with its treatment by one or more federal agencies, in the past or at present, and demanded policy change. You can construe groups broadly; a racial or ethnic minority, an economically disadvantaged group, and people disproportionally impacted by a natural disaster, among others, are all acceptable. Articulate this group’s grievance by specifying the laws, regulations, or their implementation that the group saw as inadequate, unfair, or unjust. How did the group, as a political principal, seek to bring about policy change by influencing Congress, executive agencies, or both? How did Congress and/or executive agencies meet the group’s demands? What fundamental problems of delegation in principal-agent relationships does this episode reveal?
Write your response in an essay 4 to 5 double-spaced pages long, using a standard font type such as Times, a 12-point font size, and 1-inch margins. Cite sources using a standard citation style (for example, the Chicago style), and use both in-text citations and a list of references appended to the end of the essay. The list of references is not included in the pages allowed. While there is no minimum required number of sources cited, the failure to cite sources for factual and argumentative claims constitutes plagiarism. For more specific criteria, consult the attached rubric.

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