Please write one page introduction to me. below is the report instruction. but y

Please write one page introduction to me. below is the report instruction. but you only need to write the introduction.
Your project report should be a self contained presentation of your project. It should not rely on the project proposal or the in-class talk. The report should contain all information you researched in your topic area. E.g. if you had to skip details of a proof in your presentation, you should include them in the report. The report should be divided into three main sections: an introduction (about 1 page) which lays out the general topic area and motivates its questions, a section on the results you researched for your project (2-3 pages), and a section that describes further questions that came up as you researched the topic and that you think would be interesting to explore.
And below is our group outline. but you only need to care the introduction part.
Presentation / Report Outline
Introduction: Briefly introduce the importance of set theory and the mystery of infinite sets.
Example: Hilbert’s Hotel Paradox
Cantor’s diagonalization argument: central piece; How do we measure the size of an infinite set? How to compare? Even number? rationals Reals
Continuum Hypothesis;
(optional) Application Case: How we use infinite set in computer science to solve problem: leetcode 2336 / (optional) Extension: Cardinal Numbers; Ramifications & Application

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