please watch the below clip from The Lord of the Rings of the transformation of

please watch the below clip from The Lord of the Rings of the transformation of a human(old) being (Sméagol) into a digital/physical effects creature (i.e., a hybrid creature cobbling together physical makeup transformation with digital enhancement, and live-action performance) called Gollum * to briefly describe his transformation using the author’s theories and commentary as a guide, as well as your own ideas (one page, single spaced will be fine).
Especially make note of how, or in what way(s), this digital creature transforms from human-like to “creature-like”…Is the transformation especially stark, drastic, or extreme? How so?… As the creature transforms into something that is less human-like, are there vestiges of “the human” that remain? Do these vestiges of humanity which remain more physical traces we can see in the creature’s appearance, or are they more behavioral (personality) traces? Or are they both? (Please explain how and why)…Do you feel these transforming, or transformed, humanoid (digital) creatures are more disturbing (or frightening) than the digital creature “hordes” which we watched and discussed the previous two weeks? If you do, please explain why.
* = This creature’s name, Gollum, is a very particular reference to the Jewish folk creature called a Golem…if you are interested, research that creature on your own, as it is a fascinating historical character originating from 16th century Prague’s local Jewish culture, and perhaps even further back into Jewish, Kabbalistic mysticism.

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