Please submit your first or rough draft via the assignments folder. Rough drafts

Please submit your first or rough draft via the assignments folder. Rough drafts are works in progress but must contain all of the required elements of the final paper. You will submit this draft for comment and editing by the professor. This first draft is due in Week 6; it should contain the thesis statement, the literature on which you build your Memo to the President, and the argument you will be making. The professor will comment or edit the rough draft and return it to you quickly. Rough drafts should be in APA style and include a title page and all current citations. Proper grammar and spelling are required. The rough draft is more than an outline. Sources must be listed, including research of at least two-thirds of your final paper.
For good guidance on writing papers, please see the following:
Final Paper (DUE: 12 December 2023)
Please submit your finished paper. The final paper is a Memo to the President and should include a brief history of the strategy as well as answer the following questions:
Why is this a terrorist strategy?
Which terrorists use this strategic method? Why?
When has this strategic method proven effective, and what counterstrategy should the country adopt? Why?
What are the potential flaws in the terrorists’ strategy and in our counterstrategy that are to be anticipated? Why?
What infrastructures support using this method as part of a terrorist strategy? How? Why?
The paper should include 6-8 full pages of content, plus the title page, abstract, and references page. These are to be included with the final paper as a single document.
Papers should be written in Microsoft Word or RTF, double-spaced, with no more than 1.25” margins using standard 12-point font. They are to be in APA style format. They must include at least two primary sources, three peer-reviewed academic journal articles, and five sources from newspapers or other references to demonstrate the plausibility of a clearly stated, analytical thesis. Proper grammar and spelling are required. Final papers should incorporate the edits made by the professor on the rough draft.
Just need the rough draft with a final draft afterwards based on the corrections the professor wants to see.

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