Please read the vignette Isabel, a 25-year-old Latina woman, presents to therap

Please read the vignette
Isabel, a 25-year-old Latina woman, presents to therapy in great distress. A few months ago, Isabel was sexually assaulted at a subway station. At the time, she dissociated and believed she had seen an angel. Soon after, Isabel’s husband was killed in Iraq, and Isabel discovered that she was pregnant. Isabel’s in-laws kicked her out of their home because they assumed she was pregnant from cheating with another man. Isabel believes her baby is a gift from God. Seeking refuge, she moved back in with her biological mother and father. Living with her parents has caused Isabel to hallucinate/memories of herself as a child and has brought back feelings of anxiety and fear about being at home. These visions caused her to recognize the suppressed memory of her father sexually abusing her as a child. She is seeking therapy because she has no other options of where to turn. Isabel’s mother and father are supportive and willing to participate in therapy when Isabel is ready.
You should answer these questions based on Narrative therapy + EMDR therapy.
Please read the following questions and answer them in PARAGRAPHS.
1)    Systemic Trauma Narrative Processing:
Identify specific interventions/techniques that can be applied to assist the couple or family trauma narrative processing in the vignette.
(I have made a list of interventions for you for both narrative and EMDR therapies that you can use to answer this question)
Here is the list:
Narrative Therapy Approach:
A)    Ask questions:
–    Landscape of actions and landscape of meaning
–    Meaning questions
–    Opening space
–    Preference
–    Story development
–    Deconstruction
–    To extend the story into the future
B)    Externalize Problems
C)    Effects of problem on family, effects of family on problem
D)    Restorying or reauthoring: Self stories
E)    Letters from the therapist
F)    Certificate of award
EMDR Therapy Approach:
A)    bilateral stimulation (BLS), which can include the use of eye movements.
B)    bilateral tones or taps.
2)    Describe the application of the Externalizing problems intervention for narrative therapy and BLS for EMDR therapy. Both must be specific to the vignette. Explain both interventions in details related to the vignette.
3)    Diversity and DEI considerations. DEI = Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
4)    How might broader social systems and DEI considerations influence the couple or family’s experience of the trauma, its effects, safety, and trauma narrative processing? Are there any barriers to care, etc.? Be specific by providing 2-3 examples.
5)    How would you adapt the model you chose to be more inclusive of DEI / diversity considerations you previously identified. Be specific by providing an example for this couple/family.
At the end, please write a summary of your experience in working on this competency assignment and indicate what areas you have worked on and also how you collaborate with other students in your class.
(I am sending you a source about EMDR to use it for that section. For narrative you can use up to 3 articles ONLY FROM PUBMED)
Thank you so much

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