please read carefully to answer this writing by use power point slide REMEMBER:

please read carefully to answer this writing by use power point slide
REMEMBER: Read our AI policies in the Introduction Most importantly…
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1- For your this assignment, you will deliver power point slides , The topics and arguments will not change, but the purposes, audiences, and formats will differ.
You will shift your purpose to one that is less about “change of heart” and more about concrete action. You will deliver power point presentation about the same social issue from your op-ed. Your purpose this time will be to raise funds for a hypothetical organization you have started. Your audience will be investors, philanthropists, and others who may be able to support your efforts to make the social change you seek. They are US citizens, ages 40 to 80, mostly conservative (at least financially), and they care less about the cause and more about the financial benefits of supporting you. You will have to, again, gain trust, but they are far more interested in the logical benefits than any emotional connections you try to build.
For the power point presentation, you will be graded on the delivery (which includes the writing of the speech), and your tailoring to fit the proper audience. And the pictuer that mach the speech
-What “organization” can we choose?
When considering your Zoom presentation, you will want to adjust your purpose to “raising funds for a hypothetical organization that supports my cause” (you can name the organization whatever you would like), and you will amend your audience accordingly to a group of philanthropists (see above). As examples related to certain issues, you might do the following:
If you argued in favor of changing the incarceration system in the USA, you might think up an organization that provides free-of-charge legal counsel to underrepresented populations
If you argued in favor of changing public policy about homelessness in downtown San Diego, you might think up an organization raising money to fund a political movement that could help end homelessness
If you argued in favor of a lifestyle change to maintain better health, you might think up a health organization attempting to raise enough funds to get into schools and educate children on best ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle
All of these types of organizations would need funding to get off the ground, so your power point presentation would be the “pitch,” so to speak, to investors.
How do I get started?
Step 1: Reframe your issue from the last assignment for investment purposes. ( it attached to get idea how it was )
Step 2: Decide who “holds a stake” in the matter this time. This will be your audience. What do they have to gain? What do they have to lose? Why does this matter?
Step 3: Think about how you would have to persuade wealthy investors to participate in helping your organization. Plan a brief 4 -5 slides.

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