Please pick one of the following movies to watch and reflect on for 4pts of Extr

Please pick one of the following movies to watch and reflect on for 4pts of Extra Credit!
Peaceful Warrior Movie:
After watching Peaceful Warrior, please pick 5 quotes that resonated with you and write a paragraph per quote (7 sentences minimum) on why you chose that quote, how it applies to what we have learned in the course and how you can personally apply it to your life.
Happy Documentary:
After watching the documentary, Happy, please pick 5 concepts that resonated with you and write a paragraph per concept (7 sentences minimum) on why you chose that concept, how it applies to what we have learned in the course and how you can personally apply it to your life.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (With Tom Hanks):
After watching A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, please pick 5 scenes that resonated with you and write a paragraph per scene (7 sentences minimum) on why you chose that scene, how it applies to what we have learned in the course and how you can personally apply it to your life.

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