Persuasive Speech Description Purpose You will deliver a 5 to 8 minute speech to

Persuasive Speech Description
You will deliver a 5 to 8 minute speech to a live audience that will persuade the audience to change or not change an action, behavior, or belief.
To do this you will create a purpose statement, write a full sentence outline that includes 3 or more sources, create a set of 5 -7 presentation slides, give your speech with limited notes integrating the presentation slides, and orally cite 3 or more sources, and write a reflection paper after watching your recorded speech.
Assignments Descriptions
Speech Purpose Statement: Write a complete purpose statement sentence as well as one paragraph explaining why you selected this topic.
Persuasive Speech Topic Ideas opens in new window (not required to use one of these)
Purpose Statement Examples: I will persuade the audience that paper books and better than e-books.
I will persuade the audience that interns should be paid.
I will persuade the audience that wind is the best kind of renewable energy.
Persuasive Speech Full Sentence Outline: Write and submit a full sentence outline using the speech outline structure. The outline will also include 3 of more different cited sources within the body portion of the speech outline, and as an APA or MLA bibliography at end of outline.
Persuasive Speech Presentation Slides: Create a 5 to 7 slides (no title slide needed) using which ever slide presentation software you prefer. These slides are to be used in your speech, and need to be created with the audience and speech set up in mind.
Give Persuasive Speech: Give speech with speaking time of 5 to 8 minutes in front of a live audience, incorporating your presentation slides, and including 3 or more orally cited different sources in the body of your speech.
Persuasive Speech Example 1: The Horrors of Puppy Mills opens in new window
Persuasive Speech Example 2: Minors Should be Tried as Adults opens in new window
Speech Reflection:
After watching your recorded speech, write a 2 or more page, double spaced with 12 point font page, evaluation of your speech using full-sentences responding to the following. Be specific and concrete in your thoughts.
Describe specifically how you practiced physically giving the speech prior to recording it. Consider including if you practiced in front of others or by yourself, and if/how you got feedback.
Describe two speaking concepts from the textbook or speech rubric that you did well during you speech, and describe how/where you demonstrated theses strengths during your speech.
Describe two speaking concepts from the textbook or speech rubric that you could strengthen after having watched tour speech, and describe how/where these growth areas appeared during your speech.

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