Peer Review Report: To complete this assignment, after reading your classmate’s

Peer Review Report:
To complete this assignment, after reading your classmate’s paper,
1. Can you identify your classmate’s main point? If so, identify the main point or remind the student to clarify their main point.
2. Are you confused by any aspect of the writer’s paper? If so, identify any area of the paper that confused you.
3. Does the writer define stereotypes? If they did not remind them that this is a requirement.
4. Does the writer identify the ad they intend to use: did they provide a picture or link to the ad? If they did not, remind them that this is a requirement.
5. Advice for the writer’s paper. Offer the student advice on how to strengthen their paper.
You may use one of these prompts, or you may write your Discussion post based on any other aspect of this week’s guest lecture and our course materials (the readings and the audio and audiovisual material).
Can you unpackhesis that Machine Learning is a creative affordance and draw connections across more than one of the examples he provided as homework, and/or draw connections to the reading materials?
Can you discuss other examples of musical or artistic creation in which the creator intentionally and openly uses AI, DL, or ML as a tool, and draw connections to the examples we saw in class and/or draw connections to the reading materials?
Can you draw a connection between W9 materials and class discussion with your own experience using AI, DL, or ML to create a work, whether artistic or not?
AI is becoming ubiquitous and we are increasingly driven to using interfaces that encourage AI to represent ourselves. I’m thinking of everything from avatars and bitmojis, to the way that I, receive AI generated suggestions of prompts. In this context, How are you finding your voice in an increasingly AI-driven environment?

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