Part A: (10pts). Directions: Complete “Country Profile Data Table Worksheet” for

Part A: (10pts). Directions: Complete “Country Profile Data Table Worksheet” for India, Japan, Kenya, Niger, United States, China, and Iceland. Data comes from the most recent PRB World Population Data Sheet ( and Upload your Datasheet with your answers to Part B, Please use this link (PRB) for the Please note that you will need to calculate the rate of natural increase which is the birth rate minus the death rate divided by 10. Part B: Answer all these question in an essay. 1. Watch “World in the Balance: The People Paradox” (WITB) – India and Japan. Answer question: What is the main issue with respect to population discussed in WITB for India and Japan, and were demographers of 2004 able to accurately predict the population and demographic situation today for India and Japan? Note. This Nova video was produced in 2004. Please note that there are two parts to this video. You only need to watch the first part (The People Paradox); you can stop the video at the second part (China Revs Up). Answer the following questions: What is the main issue with respect to population discussed in WITB for India? What is the main issue with respect to population discussed in WITB for Japan? Study the Country Profile worksheet information for India and Japan. Consider the projections that demographers in 2004 would have made based on the situation in 2004, then look at today’s numbers and the 2050 projections for total population. Were demographers of 2004 able to accurately predict the population and demographic situation today? Support your answer using data from your County Profile Worksheet, including relevant rates. Able to correctly identify and articulate key issues and population and assess demographic predictions. (minimum 100 words, 5 points). 2A. Define the demographic transition as discussed in the video (at about 40:10 in the video, the beginning of the segment on Kenya). In your definition, include a discussion of how birth and death rates must change to make the transition. Answers all aspects of the question (minimum 100 words, 7 points). 2B. Compute the age-dependency ratios for Kenya and Niger. Correctly computed both ratios showing work The age-dependency ratio is the ratio of persons in the “dependent” ages (under 15 and over 64 years) to those in the “economically productive” ages (15-64 years) in a population. The age-dependency ratio is often used as an indicator of the economic burden the productive portion of a population must carry—even though some persons defined as “dependent” are producers and some persons in the “productive” age range are economically dependent. The formula for this ratio is: (% of population under age 15) + (% of population 65 and over) X 100 % of population ages 15-64 [Hint: The three percents will equal 100%] Example: The age-dependency ratio in the United States in 2021 was: 18% + 17% x100 65% = 53.84 This means that there were about 54 people in the dependent ages for every 100 people of working age. Compute the age-dependency ratios for Kenya and Niger. (Show your work) Kenya: ______ dependent age people per 100 working age people Niger: ______ dependent age people per 100 working age people 2C. (7pts). Which country will complete the demographic transitions sooner, Kenya or Niger? Completely answered question and provided logical rationale and support for answers using the data from section B (minimum 100 words, 3 points) 3A. Consider the total population, GNI per capita, PPP, electricity access, access to clean fuel for cooking, and energy use per person (per capita). Consider these factors that have an impact on per capita energy use: (minimum 150 words; 8 points) Completely answered question, included all factors, and provided logical rationale to the following factors: ● Which 4 countries use the most energy per capita, according to the map, (see How could latitude, climate, income, and/or major industries affect each county’s energy usage? ● Which country gets the highest percentage of its energy from renewables (see choropleth map, Share of Energy from Renewables, and what is the source of much of its energy? Look at Energy Country Profiles ( for energy source information. ● Which 2 countries get the least amount of their energy from renewables? (Share of Primary Energy from Renewables. For each country, what are the main sources of its energy? (Primary Energy Consumption by Source Why do you think people there consume virtually all their energy from these sources? What percent of American energy comes from renewables, and what are the chief sources of renewables in the United States? For which countries would increasing percentage of energy from renewables make the most difference in terms of greenhouse gas emissions? ● One of the 4 countries with the highest level of energy use per person gets less than 0.1% of its energy from renewables. What is the country, and what are the main sources of its energy? Why do you think people there consume virtually all their energy in the form of this energy source? 3B. How does the energy data presented suggest that the problem of over-population involves more than a simple increase in the number of people and what else should be considered? What else, besides the size of the population should be considered when discussing resource use? Completely answered question, included all factors, and provided logical rationale. (minimum 250 words, 8 points) (2pts). Written Expression Well written with 3 or fewer errors in spelling and grammar.

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