Paper Requirements: 8-10 pages, must use class textbook, APA format, double spac

Paper Requirements: 8-10 pages, must use class textbook, APA format, double spaced, look for suggested outline and headings below:
For this paper choose a client that you have worked during your placement. Ideally this will be a client who you have worked for at least 3-4 weeks, and has presented some therapeutic challenges. You are strongly encouraged to choose a client that is “different” from you in terms for example of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, class, religion.
Part I (3-4 pages) (DUE MODULE IV week 8)
In Part I, you are invited to present a brief summary of the case a brief case formulation and an assessment of the client’s attachment style. You will need to justify the attachment style you chose by referring to the readings and other educational material. You are expected to demonstrate the client’s attachment by referring to specific observations in therapy. For example Client was always getting anxious upon separation…”
In addition, you are encouraged to reflect on how you responded to the client’s attachment style in the therapeutic relationship e.g. “given that the client was always anxious above separation, I made sure I reminded them that they had five minutes left ‘OR “I felt unsure what do to” “Or “I ended up giving them extra time as they seem to need it and was late for my next client”.
Here how you can structure the first part of the paper:
Identifying Information (1 paragraph)
1. General statement about who the client is. Refer to Age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, marital status, employment, education, & resources (housing, finances, support system)
2. Diagnoses (DSM- V), medication, and major medical conditions
3. How client came to you (referral source) & your role (mentor, case worker, home-based therapist, clinician, school social worker)
Presenting Problem (1 paragraph)
1. Identify client’s core problem?
2. How/why did the core problem develop?
3. How is the core problem impacting the client currently?
Mental Status, Current Functioning Cognitive Behavioral Assessment (1 page)
Narrative format (not bullets)
Neutral/non-judgmental descriptions.
Attachment Style Assessment and Clinical Presentation (2 pages)
Using Chapter 6 in the Teyber text, our powerpoints and other attachment related readings identify your client’s predominant attachment style with specific examples (statements & behavior)
Try and identify the reasons for his/her attachment style based upon early childhood experiences, trauma history, parenting style
Identify how your client exhibits this attachment style in his/her interactions with you (process dimension)
Identify any transference & countertransference that has occurred in your interactions related to the attachment style of your client

Part II (4-5 pages) (DUE Module VII)
Effective advanced generalist clinical practice requires constant re-examination of how we think and feel about clients as well as about what we do with them. It means acknowledging and embracing our prejudices, fears and errors as well as our successes. This part is aimed at increasing student self-awareness, and an ability to connect theory and practice and the skill of reflection-in-action.
Part II continues with the same client, and discusses therapeutic challenges (i.e. therapeutic impasses, complicated transference & countertransference) mistakes and corrective emotional experiences. (4-5 pages)
Through a clinical example (ideally it can be taken from a process recording) demonstrate an incident where you were faced with a clinical challenge.
b) Analyze and discuss your cognitive and affective (what you thought and felt) reactions to this client. Highlight any conflicts, areas of being “stuck” and difficult decisions in your practice with this client.
c) Analyze and discuss any biases, fears, strongly positive reactions, rescue fantasies, anger, empathy, similarities or conflicts you experienced. How did you handle these feelings? This refers to countertransference.
d) How did these thoughts and feelings affect your work with this client?
e) How did you react? How else could you have reacted? How was it resolved or not?
f) Were you able to use supervision? How was it useful?
g) Any examples of corrective emotional experience.

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