Padlet Assignment (100 points) Individual students will choose one topic covere

Padlet Assignment (100 points)
Individual students will choose one topic covered during our course, and curate a digital exhibit of art (visual, performance, music) for an imaginary or real audience. This assignment is highly individualized to each student’s interest and creativity. I am here to support you and act as a sounding board and reference but the work is meant to demonstrate your learning.
This assignment comes in various parts:
Part I (20 points)
By November 10th, students will have met with me individually to talk through a proposal of their project. Each student should contact me to schedule this appointment; I will work with your availability. The proposal will contain the following materials:
Title of the exhibit
A sentence or two about the intended audience, geography and context of the exhibit
Ideas about the layout and the art pieces in the exhibit (there is no expectation that this will be completed at this stage)
Part II (60 points)
By November 15th students will turn-in their Padlet page. This presentation will include:
A title with the name of the exhibit and any geographical information about its location
A paragraph on the concept being explored in the exhibit (with 2-3 citations from in-class texts)
The art in the exhibit: There should be 7-10 pieces of art. Keep in mind that the design of the physical space is also a component of the experience. Each art piece should be captioned with the title, the artists name and the date of its creation.
Statement about what message/meaning/emotion this exhibit hopes to evoke from the intended audience
Part III (20 points)
During the last class session, each student will have a chance to present their slideshow and talk through their presentation. After introducing the concept, you are exploring through the exhibit you’ve created, you will talk through each art piece explaining how the piece fits your concept/theme and will conclude with the feeling you wanted to evoke in your audience.

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