Overview In this assignment, you will use the preliminary introduction you wrote

In this assignment, you will use the preliminary introduction you wrote in the previous module as a starting point to create the first version of the paper you will submit for your project. As such, your draft will focus on your analysis of the article you have been working with throughout the course. Because you have already drafted an introduction, you will now revise that introduction as needed and write the body paragraphs and conclusion.
For this assignment, you will explain the writer’s choices in relation to genre, audience, purpose, and subject. You will also write about the core idea of the text as well as the details that support it and use at least one quote from the article to support your analysis. Completing this assignment will result in a draft of the first part of your project. Complete this assignment using either the APA or MLA template linked in the What to Submit section.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Identify the topic of the text.
Explain the writer’s choices in relation to the genre of the text.
Describe the writer’s purpose.
Explain the writer’s choices in relation to the audience, purpose, and/or subject of the text.
Determine the historical and/or cultural context of the text.
Articulate the core idea of the text.
Summarize details of the text that are relevant to the core idea.
Support your analysis of the core idea with evidence from the text.Include at least one quote from the text.
Explain how this evidence supports the core idea.
What to Submit
Using either the APA template or the MLA template, submit a one- to two-page Microsoft Word document (with an additional title page and reference page in the case of APA or a works cited page in the case of MLA) with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Use evidence from the text to support your paper. Follow APA or MLA citation guidelines when citing the text both throughout and at the end of your analysis.

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