My artist (Bryan Cranston) is an American actor who became famous after the Brea

My artist (Bryan Cranston) is an American actor who became famous after the Breaking Bad series.
The paper should include your opinion referencing a Style/period of Art and one of the Themes of Art. Themes of Art: Spiritual Belief; The Cycle of Life; Love and Sex (Desire); The Body, Gender and Identity; The Individual and Cultural Identity; Power or Science, Technology and the Environment. Research for this assignment is with the OERs and other sources found through the library or on-line as per the Bibliography requirements. The body of the paper should be between 900-1,000 words.
Bibliography is your research with your summary of each resource and includes (2) artwork resources (image and citation, best to use museum collections), and additional information (museum guides or etc). (2) book resources (digital books are fine), (2) website resources (scholarly articles, websites or videos).
For citation: see the Chicago-Style Citation
It also could be MLA or APA, whatever you feel comfortable with.
Final Copy submissions include all of the following:
1) cover page (title, name, prof. name, class)
2) introduction
3) body of the paper (with images)
4) conclusion
5) bibliography (min. 4 reputable sources)

Posted in Art

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