Module Packets can be any format that best suits your learning style. Module Pac

Module Packets can be any format that best suits your learning style. Module Packets are more than just your notes. Please see Course Resources for the specific components required.
For this Module, please be sure your notes cover the following:
For Module 2, please submit notes on the following:
Sociological Concepts
collective consciousness (piece by Nicki Cole)…
Durkheim readings (from PDF)
Sociology of Law in Everyday Life[Video] Wild Wild Country: Part 3 (01:06:43)Sheela emerges as a provocative spokeswoman. As Election Day approaches, the Rajneeshees recruit thousands of homeless people to fortify their ranks.
[Video] Wild Wild Country: Part 4 (01:09:06)Local officials try to build a case against the Rajneeshees. When Sheela’s thirst for power turns violent, the Bhagwan finally breaks his silence.
Module PromptDurkheim was especially attentive to the collective consciousness, which he framed as the source of law. Do you have thoughts on the source of law for your own definition?It’s perfectly fine to say “I didn’t like his definition of form/function/scope/source, but I’m not sure I have a better one yet!”
You can use your own note-taking style or the templates. Please review the rubric below before taking notes.

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