Math 2415 – Research paper on Ohio’s Learning Standards for Mathematics Directio

Math 2415 – Research paper on Ohio’s Learning Standards for Mathematics
Directions and Grading Rubric
In this vaper vou will choose one of Ohio’s learning domains for mathematics (either “Number and Operations in Base Ten, or “Number and Operations – Fractions , or “Operations and Algebraic Thinking”) and follow the progression of the standards within that domain from kindergarten through fifth grade. (In the case of “Number and Operations – Fractions, you will just follow the progression from third grade through fifth grade. There are no standards for kindergarten through second grade.) A color-coded progression of the standards can be found at httos://
Progressions.pdf.aspx?lang=en-US. The full text of the learning standards can be found at
9 denirió or domains and standaras
2. Please come up with your own interesting and inviting title! The title for vour paper should NOT be:
“Ohio’s Learning Standards for Mathematics”.
3. For your chosen domain. Note the progression of the standards through at least 3 grade levels. (For example, Consider the domain “Number and Operations in Base Ten*: There is I standard for kindergarten, 6 standards for first grade, 9 standards for second grade, 3 standards for third grade, 6 standards for fourth grade, and 7 standards for fifth grade. You don’t have to address all 32 standards for this domain, just choose at least 10 of the standards for at least 3 of the grades.)
4. Choose at least 10 of the standards spanning at least 3 grade levels. (You may skin some of the standards and several of the standards contain multiple parts – labelled “a”, “b”, “c”, etc. You don’t need to include everv part of every standard. Carefully exolain how each standard builds on previous standards. (For example. consider again the “Number and Operations in Base Ten” domain. Explain why it is important to master the standard K.BI.I before I.BI.2.and why it is important to master the standard I.NB1.2 before .B.3. and why it is important to master the standard I.NB.2 before 2.NBT.. etc.)
For each of the 10 standards that vou choose to address. come up with an activity (or problem or guestion or series of questions, etc. that could be used by students in the appropriate grade level to help them master the standard. You will need at least one activity for each standard. Feel free to make up vour own activities or find activities from other sources. If you use an activity from another source, please give the source the appropriate credit. In each case, please cite the standard before writing the activity.
Write a briet personal reflection on your reactions to what you learned trom writing this paper.
7. For your draft, please submit only the outline of your essay (your domain, your 10 standards within that
domain spanning at least 3 grade levels. choose one of vour lu standards and write an activity for this
standard and explain now this standard bullas of previous ones

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