Make sure you have this textbook: Theatre As Human Action (fourth edition), Hisc

Make sure you have this textbook: Theatre As Human Action (fourth edition), Hischak and Robinson. Pick either #1 or #2.
PERSUASIVE SPEECH: The U.S. Senate is about to vote on a piece of legislation which will ban all live theater in the country and you are heading to the Capital to speak against this proposed law. In a well-crafted, 2-3 page persuasive speech, defend live theater and its importance in our society. Use examples and information you have learned during class to persuade them to vote NO on this piece of legislation. Research and incorporate at least three articles or studies you can find regarding theatre’s effect on education and community. Why is theater important to individuals in our community? What is it worth? What would the country be like without it?
MLA format, double spaced, Arial or Times New Roman font. Don’t forget to cite your sources. And remember: PERSUADE them to keep theatre alive!
2. TECHNICAL THEATRE: You discover that Alabama Department of Education is offering a $10,000 grant to enhance career/technical education in our community. Write a proposal explaining why your theater program would be a good fit for this grant opportunity. Explain how the art and craft of theater fits into the career/technical field and give examples of how you will use this money to foster career/technical education and the training of technicians in your theater program. Be sure to include a list of equipment (lighting, sound, projection, etc.) and how you will use each of these items in your program. Proposal should be two pages and feature one page of items/equipment with justifications for purchasing each item.
MLA format, double spaced, Arial or Times New Roman font. Don’t forget to cite your sources regarding where you found the equipment you intend to purchase with this grant. And, of course, stay within the $10,000 grant limit.
This project should be YOUR own work, not plagiarized and not AI generated.

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