Living and learning alongside people in other cultures to understand a culture i

Living and learning alongside people in other cultures to understand a culture is at the very core of ethnography. Ethnography provides an account of cultural contexts or practices. To do this, ethnographers seek to understand the patterns and rules that shape social life.
Listen to “Watching Over Mountain Village” on the podcast, Snap Judgement:

Watching Over Mountain Village – Snap Classic

As you listen, look for evidence of patterns and rules that shape life in Mountain Village, Alaska, and Anna Bill’s role as the city’s only police officer.
Use your observations of the patterns and rules to answer the following questions:
Meaning – How does Anna Bill give meaning (e.g. make sense of her world and her experiences) to her work as the only police officer in Mountain Village?
Context – What is the context (the background and set of circumstances and conditions that surround and influence events and situations) to Anna Bill’s work and her life in Mountain Village?
Power – Discuss the power dynamics at play in Anna Bill’s work; what power dynamics shape her work; how does she use the power inherent in her role to police Mountain Village?
History – What historical perspective and structural injustices shape Mountain Village and the social problems Anna Bill has to police? Are there aspects of Anna Bill’s personal history that play a role in her work?
Possibility – In your opinion, what sense of possibility does Anna Bill bring to her herself and community by staying in her police officer role? What evidence of growth and change did you find in the story?

**it doesn’t not have to be exactly one page just need all the question answered. This is for a discussion post so please write semi formal nothing too complicated thank you

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