Keep it simple:Using the information in your textbook, handout and videos, choose ONE of these questions for your Discussion Post.
Feel free to comment on another post, but you do not have to. The extra credit is in the handout. Go forth and look for it.
CHOICE ONE: Your Personal Fitness. How do YOU define physical fitness? Do you think you are physically fit? What are obstacles that keep you from enjoying greater physical health? What’s something new you learned in the textbook, handout or videos?
CHOICE TWO: FITT. Using pages 346-352 in your book, convince you me you read about FITT. What is FITT? Do you actively use FITT in life? What benefit can YOU get following FITT?
CHOICE THREE: Preventing Injury. Even walking has risks, so this doesn’t have to be some big Olympic sport type of thing. Using pages 356-358 in your book, write about how you can prevent and treat injuries. Do you put yourself at risk when working out? Have you injured yourself while engaged in physical activity? What can you change to keep yourself safer?
CHOICE FOUR: ATHLETES or athletic-feeling students- Complete the “Assess Yourself” on page 359-360 in your book–“How Physically Fit Are You? How did you “do” as related to the “norms” provided in the Assess Yourself? Were you surprised by the results? Do the results motivate you to change anything in your workout activities? (I would rather poke my eyes out than do this activity but to each their own.)
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