International Health Care Systems There has been much concern and debate about t

International Health Care Systems
There has been much concern and debate about the United States’ health care system. The health care systems of other countries are often pointed to as examples of what the United States should and should not incorporate as it attempts to improve its own system. The cost of health care, access to care, and the quality of care are areas of interest. Select two foreign countries (i.e. not the U.S.), and describe the health care systems of those countries. Topics covered must include:

Health care expenditures – How much does the country spend on health care (include percentage of GDP spent on health care and/or cost per capita)? What is the largest health care expenditure for the country? Are physicians and other health care providers employed directly by the government, independent providers, or some combination of the two? (20 points)
Sources of health care financing – Who pays for health care? How much of health care is paid for by the government and how is that money generated? How much is paid for by private insurance? Are there out of pocket expenses for patients such as deductibles and co-pays? (20 points)
Access – Who is covered and what services are covered by public and private insurance? Include information on hospital inpatient care, ambulatory care, physician services, and pharmaceuticals. Are there extended waits for some services? (25 points)
Quality, efficiency, and outcomes – How does the health of the country’s citizens compare to other countries (e.g., life expectancy, infant mortality, or other indicators)? Are the citizens generally satisfied with the care they receive? How are health care costs controlled? (20 points)
Be concise; the body of the paper must be three pages or less. Only three pages of content will be read and graded.
The paper must be referenced and in APA format with no spelling, grammatical, or sentence structure errors. You must list your references, and those references must be cited in the text of the paper. (15 points)
See the APA Style web site or the Library Services site for information on APA format.
Important notes:
APA format checklist: includes a cover page; every component double spaced; margins at least one inch; all references are listed and cited, and the reference list begins on a separate page.
Your paper should be concise and to the point. The body of the paper must be three pages or less, and a maximum of three pages of content will be read and evaluated.
The paper should be based on published literature, and not your opinions.
You must have at least 5 references. Your references do not need to be peer reviewed journal articles for this assignment. However, they must be reliable sources.
No more than 10% of your paper may consist of quoted material. Points will be deducted in proportion to the amount of quoted material exceeding 10% of your paper.

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