The VP of Finance just announced Emma, a 24-year-old college graduate holding the RHIA credentials (Registered Health Information Administrator) as the new Director of HIM. The majority of the employees in HIM are in their mid-50s and have been in the HIM department for a long time. Assess the cultural diversity that Emma can expect to be evident in the department and the potential challenges that Emma might face.
Research the Web for the subject of cultural diversity between younger managers and older employees. Perhaps even investigate the term “ageism”. You may also reference these resources:
5-minute video: How to Manage Multiple Generations in the Workplace
Excellent Article: How to Train Young Managers to Supervise Older Employees
2. Develop a list of at least eight (8) potential challenges that Emma might face. Your list must include your name and the sources you used must be cited in APA style at the end of your list. (Don’t know APA citation? Refer to the Learning Activities: APA Citation.)
8 points – a minimum of eight well-written challenges, including proper spelling and grammar
2 points – APA citations written in the proper format
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