InstructionsCreate a VS project from the Exercise 12 starter code on GitHub (the

InstructionsCreate a VS project from the Exercise 12 starter code on GitHub (the same code we worked with in class).
Input file ex12_data.csv is included in the GitHub repository. This file must be in your VS project folder.
Run the starter code. It will display lines of file data in the order they were read from the file, then in reverse order.
This code reads file data into a std::vector of std::string elements.When this code displays vector elements, it removes them all from the vector
Modify the loop in function display_file_data() to prevent this data loss Don’t pass the vector by value because this will copy the entire vector
Add function void write_output_file() to output each vector element to a file.Use the constant and ostream variable declared in namespace outfile
Start your “file output in C++” research here:
Follow the coding style in the starter code. In particular,Put function prototypes above main
Put function definitions after main
Put a comment header before each function
What to SubmitSubmit the .cpp file with your completed modifications.

Posted in C++

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