Instructions for Chapter Summaries Advertising by Design – Third Edition After r

Instructions for Chapter Summaries
Advertising by Design – Third Edition
After reading each chapter type up a 3 paragraph summary, upload a PDF document.
Please review the Writing Requirements Below.
Formatting of Document for Writing Assignments:
All work must be Typed! No Exceptions.
Work must be turned in on a “Designed” Letterhead. Style and legibility are key as
Graphic Designers.
Name, Course, Book, Chapter, and Due Date MUST be on all assignments to be
Heading and required information should be part of Letterhead design.
NO Script, Decorative or Designer typefaces may be used for the writing portion of the
Body Copy MUST be in Serif or San-Serif Font.
Body Copy Must be no larger than 12pt.
Leading is no greater than 14.4pt. – Single Spaced.
Margins should be no less than .25in. and no greater than 1in.
Finally, please write your opinion in the summary.
part 2 :- Magical Science of Storytelling
Magical Science of Storytelling
Watch the video below and prepare to discuss next class. Write a 1-page reaction to the video. Use your own experiences and examples. Submit in Canvas and be prepared to talk about it in class.

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