Instructions and Format for the Research Paper Instructions: The research assig

Instructions and Format for the Research Paper
Instructions: The research assignment is a thesis-controlled essay with intext (parenthetical) citations and a works cited page.
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The documented/ thesis-controlled research paper should be 5-7 TYPED pages, not counting title page and references or works cited page. The paper is double- spaced and long verbatim quotes are indented and single spaced as per APA/CMOS/MLA specifications.
The title page includes the title of your paper (centered in the middle of the page), and in the lower right corner of this page, list your name, the date, course and section number, Texas Southern University, and instructor’s name.
The documented paper is a formal essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Make sure that your introduction has a lead-in, central idea, and thesis statement. Your introductory paragraph(s) address (es) the research topic and tells the reader what you will prove and how you will prove it; it is sometimes called the statement of purpose since it gives the hypothesis of your paper. The topic sentences of your body paragraphs develop the idea(s) stated in your thesis, and everything within the body paragraphs should support the respective topic sentences.
This paper is a formal essay, is written in 3rd person, and does not have headings, charts, or subtopics.
The first page of your essay should not have a page number. It is not necessary to place the title at the top of this page. Make sure that your manuscript has an introduction, body, and conclusion! The topic sentences should develop the ideas stated in your thesis and everything within the individual body paragraphs should support the respective topic sentences.
The bibliography or works cited page should include only the sources referenced in your manuscript. The documented paper reflects research, scholarship, and careful investigation on a topic.
The title should reflect the subject matter/contents of the paper and is not a sentence.
Use the most recent APA, CMOS, or MLA documentation within text (parenthetical references).
Refer to Units 7 and 8 in Swales and Feak and review postings on Bb.

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