In this assignment you will research and report on a contemporary security progr

In this assignment you will research and report on a contemporary security program in business, government, or industry that emphasizes the protection of assets, personnel, and/or facilities. The purpose of this research is to identify best practices in security administration.
To complete this project you must:
Identify an actual organizational security program.
Conduct research about the organization and the security program.(Library, online, historical documents, media, etc.,)
Discuss the managerial acts and functions required for asset, personnel, and/or facility protection.
Identify and discuss the role(s) of relevant institutional stakeholders in security planning.
Identify how the organization has applied security solutions to problems using methods from the security discipline.
Critique the organization’s strategic planning and risk assessment practices.
Evaluate the effectiveness of organizational security planning and administration.
Make conclusions and recommendations concerning best practices in security administration.
The report will provide an integrated and equitable treatment of all issues and contain the following technical components:
A cover or title page
A body of text, 7-8 typed, double-spaced pages (1,750 to 2,000 words) in length
A reference page containing a minimum of 8 course-external resources
Written in APA Style
Security Program
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10 to >8 pts
The core assessment paper identifies an actual organizational security program with complete clarity.8 to >5 pts
Meets Expectations
The core assessment paper identifies an actual organizational security program however the root problem may not be clearly identified or challenging to acquire from first reading.5 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
The core assessment paper demonstrates a minimal or no identification of an actual organizational security program./ 10 pts
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12 to >10 pts
Research completely examines the identified organizational security program and uses 6 or more course-external sources.10 to >6 pts
Meets Expectations
Research examines the identified organizational security program and uses at least 5 or more course-external sources.6 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Research fails to satisfactorily examines the identified organizational security program and uses 4 or less course-external sources./ 12 pts
Managerial Acts and Functions
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27 to >23 pts
The core assessment paper discusses with completeness and thoroughness the managerial acts and functions required for asset, personnel, and/or facility protection as these relate to the identified organizational security program.23 to >15 pts
Meets Expectations
The core assessment paper satisfactorily discusses managerial acts and functions required for asset, personnel, and/or facility protection as these relate to the identified organizational security program.15 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
The core assessment paper fails to satisfactorily discusses the managerial acts and functions required for asset, personnel, and/or facility protection as these relate to the identified organizational security program./ 27 pts
Stakeholder Roles
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27 to >23 pts
The core assessment paper identifies with completeness and thoroughness the role(s) of relevant institutional stakeholders in security planning as these relate to the identified organizational security program.23 to >15 pts
Meets Expectations
The core assessment paper satisfactorily identifies the role(s) of relevant institutional stakeholders in security planning as these relate to the identified organizational security program.15 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
The core assessment paper fails to satisfactorily identify the role(s) of relevant institutional stakeholders in security planning as these relate to the identified organizational security program./ 27 pts
Applied Security Solutions
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27 to >23 pts
The core assessment paper identifies with completeness and thoroughness how the organization has applied security solutions to problems using methods from the security discipline as these relate to the identified organizational security program.23 to >15 pts
Meets Expectations
The core assessment paper satisfactorily identifies how the organization has applied security solutions to problems using methods from the security discipline as these relate to the identified organizational security program.15 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
The core assessment paper fails to satisfactorily identify how the organization has applied security solutions to problems using methods from the security discipline as these relate to the identified organizational security program./ 27 pts
Strategic Planning
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27 to >23 pts
The core assessment paper critiques with completeness and thoroughness the organization’s strategic planning and risk assessment practices as these relate to the identified organizational security program.23 to >15 pts
Meets Expectations
The core assessment paper satisfactorily critiques the organization’s strategic planning and risk assessment practices as these relate to the identified organizational security program.15 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
The core assessment paper fails to satisfactorily critique the organization’s strategic planning and risk assessment practices as these relate to the identified organizational security program./ 27 pts
Security Planning and Administration
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27 to >23 pts
The core assessment paper evaluates with completeness and thoroughness the effectiveness of organizational security planning and administration as these relate to the identified organizational security program.23 to >15 pts
Meets Expectations
The core assessment paper satisfactorily evaluates the effectiveness of organizational security planning and administration as these relate to the identified organizational security program.15 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
The core assessment paper fails to satisfactorily evaluate the effectiveness of organizational security planning and administration as these relate to the identified organizational security program./ 27 pts
Conclusion and Recommendations
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27 to >23 pts
The core assessment paper makes conclusions and recommendations with completeness and thoroughness concerning best practices in security administration as these relate to the identified organizational security program.23 to >15 pts
Meets Expectations
The core assessment paper satisfactorily makes conclusions and recommendations concerning best practices in security administration as these relate to the identified organizational security program.15 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
The core assessment paper fails to satisfactorily makes conclusions and recommendations concerning best practices in security administration as these relate to the identified organizational security program./ 27 pts
Technical Skills in Communicating
16 to >13 pts
Research paper contains all required technical components: 8 pages in length excluding required cover sheet and reference page (2,000 word minimum); typed, double-spaced; written in APA style, including in-text source citations. Contains fewer than five grammatical, syntax, and spelling errors.13 to >9 pts
Meets Expectations
Research paper contains most required technical components. Contains more than five grammatical, syntax, and spelling errors but errors do not detract from understanding. Written in APA style, but may have a few formatting errors. Does not fully achieve the required page length, word volume, or required cover sheet and reference page.9 to >0 pts
Does Not Meet Expectations
Research papers contains few or none of the required technical components. Contains more than five grammatical, syntax, and spelling errors that detract from understanding. APA style usage is barely evident./ 16 pts

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