In this assignment, you are asked to create a diagram that represent your unders

In this assignment, you are asked to create a diagram that represent your understanding of clinical public health and systems approach using malnutrition OR food insecurity as the topics of focus.
You can select a particular part of the system/issue/population/food (scope, scale, and focus). Your diagram can take the form of a concept map, infographic, timelines, or other visual representation. You can focus on people and/or food within our health, food, social systems.

Also, you will also write a 2-page (max double-space) narrative paper to accompany your diagram. This paper should include any literature (peer reviewed or grey) that you have utilized to inform your understanding and visual representation.
I will send you a powerpoint slides that explain everything in this assignment with resources included. Please go through all the slides carefully.
There are examples of diagrams on the slides for you to see how it should be done. Please also make sure to go through all the links and resources provided on the powerpoint.

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