In order to understand and learn about different groups is best to listen those

In order to understand and learn about different groups is best to listen those individuals’ voices.
Remember to write 5 paragraphs about the group of the week (see below):
Identify the twitter handle of the three people you chose (you cannot use the person suggested on the syllabus as one of these people but you can look at who they follow for suggestions)
Explain why these particular individuals were chosen (were they particularly active around a certain topic? Were they trying to organize or promote knowledge around this groups risks in general? Did their approach to twitter or their age inspire you to follow them?
Identify a risk one if these individuals has highlighted either that week or past weeks.
Explain how the above risk connects to the content of the class. (cite something from the module 6 readings about people who identify as overweight with APA citation)
Provide a reflection on your own thoughts and feelings regarding the increased awareness you have felt following these individuals.
Weekly Assignment
Task for twitter Assignment – begin following three people who identify as Overweight / Obese or Adiposity-Based Chronic Disease” (ABCD), “fat”.You may use @rgay as a point to begin by looking at who she follows but she cannot be part of the three people you choose
People to follow: @rgay @Links to an external site.yrfatfriendLinks to an external site.
Hashtags: #FatShamingLinks to an external site. #FatAcceptanceLinks to an external site.
search body positivity on twitter/X and remember to click on people
Your Fat Friend (2018). A draft agenda for fat justice Retrieved from to an external site.
Fehrman, G. (2018). The Midwest writers workshop scandal. Retrieved from to an external site.
Andreyeva, T. Puhl, R.M., & Brownell, K. D. (2008). Changes in perceived weight discrimination among Americans, 1995-1996 through 2004-2006. Obesity, 16(5), 1129-1134.
Stevelos, J. (nd). Bullying: Bullycide and childhood obesity. Retrieved from to an external site.
Zeller, M.H., Reiter-Putill, J., Jemkins, T. M., & Ratcliff, M. B. (2013). Adolescent suicidal behavior across the excess weight status spectrum. Obesity, 21(5), 1039-1045.
Puhl, R. & Brownell, K. D. (2001). Bias, discrimination, and obesity. Links to an external site.Obesity Research, 9(12), 788- 805.
Swami, V., Chan, F., Wong, V., Furnham, A. & Tovee, M. J. (2008). Weight – based discrimination in occupational hiring and helping behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 38(4), 968-981.
Phelen, S. M., Burgess, D. J., Yeazel, M. W., Hellerstedt, W. L., Griffin, J. M. & van Ryn, M. (2015). Impact of weight bias and stigma on quality of care and outcomes for patients with obesity. Obesity Reviews, 16, 319-326.
Dittman, M. (2004). Weighing in on fat biasLinks to an external site.. American Psychological Association, 35(1), page 60.
Davis-Coelho, K., Waltz, J., & Davis-Coelho, B. (2000). Awareness and prevention of bias against fat clients in psychotherapy. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 31(6), 682-684.
Franklin, J., Denyer, G., Steinbeck, K.S., Caterson, I. D., & Hill, A. J. (2006). Obesity and risk of low self-esteem: A statewide survey of Australian children. Pediatrics, 118(6), 2481-2487.
Wang, S.S., Brownell, K.D., & Wadden, T.A. (2004). The influence of the stigma of obesity on overweight individuals. International Journal of Obesity, 28, 1333-1337.
Puhl, R. M. & Heuer, C. A. (2010). Obesity stigma: Important considerations for public health. American Journal of Public Health, 100(6), 1019-1028.
Stevens, C. Fat on campus: Fat college students and hyper(in)visble stigma. Sociological Focus, 51(2), 130-149.
Stoneman, S. (2012). Ending fat stigma: Precious, visual culture, and anti-obesity in the “fat moment”. Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 34(3-4), 197-207.
Davies, R., Lehman, E., Perry, A., & McCall-Hosenfeld, J. S. (2016). Association of intimate partner violence and health-care provider – identified obesityLinks to an external site.. Women & Health, 56(5), 561-575.

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