In Hartley’s Reading 29, Listwan and colleagues examine whether methamphetamine

In Hartley’s Reading 29, Listwan and colleagues examine whether methamphetamine users can be treated effectively in a community-based setting, namely a drug court, without compromise to community safety. Please discuss what makes evaluation research a separate topic from other research? Why do we call this research an evaluation research? Finally, what can be done to benefit the improvement of the “drug court” program according to the research findings? You may provide your own suggestions from your understandings of the research findings. (You may find the article through Lamar library online journal. The reference is “Listwan, S., Shaffer, D., & Hartman, J. (2009). Combating methamphetamine use in the community: The efficacy of the drug court model. Crime & Delinquency, 55, 627-644.”) In Reading 30, what rival causal factors did those authors control for to attempt to isolate whether Operation Ceasefire was responsible for the youth homicide reduction? (You may find the article through Lamar library online journal. The reference is “Braga, A., Kennedy, D., Waring, E., & Morrison Piehl, A. (2001). Problem-oriented policing, deterrence, and youth violence: An evaluation of Boston’s Operation Ceasefire. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 38 195-225.”)

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