I will copy and paste the interview underneath, I’m seeking a career in Nursing.

I will copy and paste the interview underneath, I’m seeking a career in Nursing. Travel Nurse.
“I currently work as a travel registered nurse in a progressive care unit. I’ve been a registered nurse for 2.5 years now and a travel nurse for four months.
I landed this position by first getting my associate in nursing degree that took four years. I worked as a staff nurse at a local hospital for two years to gain experience before I started traveling.
What I like most about my job is the job satisfaction I get from caring for those in their time of need as well as the job flexibility that I have with working 12 hours shifts three times a week.
What I like least about my job is sometimes feeling like I don’t have the time or resources to provide the best possible care to patients and that can be frustrating.
At my current job we work as a team. It can be both helpful and frustrating but we all have our own tasks that can be difficult depending on how the shift is going. It does make my job simpler knowing that I can rely on respiratory therapists, phlebotomists, and charge nurses that are available as resources to me. There’s also other nurses that are usually eager to help me out, especially with being a travel nurse being new to a facility it usually takes a little bit of time to settle into and learn the new hospitals.
Advice for students pursuing this career would be to study an adequate amount of hours in school. And to be patient once working in the nursing field and know that it will take time to learn how to be a nurse, but also that as a nurse you’ll never stop learning. ”
My friend name is Monica Lopez.

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