I need an analysis/case study of a real, for-profit company with the following c

I need an analysis/case study of a real, for-profit company with the following criteria:
Real Life Case Study Project
The objective of this assignment is to integrate all the knowledge that you accumulate through the semester and apply it to a “real-life” IT context. During the last week of class, you will be expected to deliver a Word document of your analysis and a 5 (five) minute presentation about your project, submitted using Panopto in Moodle.
First Steps
Your first step is to identify an organization. You should select an organization that you: (a) are working at now; (b) Have worked for previously; or (c) Have a friend or relative working at now. The organization can be of any size (I highly recommend that you pick an organization with at least 100 employees), but you must have access to the organization so that you can interview one or more employees of that organization at a point later in the semester. There are some requirements on the type of organization that you select. The firm must be a for-profit organization and cannot include the federal, state, or local government as well as any branches of the military, a non-profit organization, a charitable organization, a not-for-profit hospital, a university, a school, or an organization that derives any of its’ funding from the federal, state, or local municipalities. If you select any of these types of organizations, you will receive a zero on this project.
If you have taken a previous class from me, you can use the same organization. However, be sure to ensure that you focus upon the cloud for this course and incorporate any feedback that was offered to you from previous classes into consideration.
Section 1: About the company
The first step is for you to understand the company. For you to understand the company, you need to begin with the company history. Drawing upon information that is publicly available as well as information that you find from your informant, trace the history of the company from beginning to the current time period, including the key executives, key milestones in the evolution of the company, and key developments that led to this point in the organization.
Section 2: Profile of Information Technology
The second section of the paper should profile the different types of IT systems that are being used by the organization. Your job is not to list all of the types of systems, but rather to find out which are the most important to the company. Drawing upon the lectures and the different types of systems that we have discussed in class, talk about which IT systems are most important both operationally and strategically to the organization.
Section 3: Assessment of the Current Technology Architecture
Your third task is to critique the technology architecture, both operationally and strategically. Your assessment should outline the limitations of their architecture and identify which aspect of their infrastructure would be best suited to move towards the cloud.
Section 4: Solving the Challenge
Your fourth task is to propose a solution for which aspect of their organization they should move into the cloud. In your solution, identify: (a) Why you believe they should move into the cloud for your specific solution and (b) Which specific aspect of their infrastructure needs to be moved.
Section 5: Implementing the Solution
Your fifth task is to create an implementation plan to put your solution into place. Identify the critical success factors, any potential sources of risk, and the business case that needs to be established. If any changes to governance or strategy need to be made, be sure to include this. Conclude by discussing the benefits to the company for cloud computing.
Specific Formatting Requirements
On the top of the first page include the name of your company and your name
The font type is to be Times New Roman, 12 point font
The document is to be double spaced, with one inch margins
References (if included) are to formatted in APA format
It is expected that the length of your paper is at least 15 pages (at a minimum)
There are two deliverables for this project:
Deliverable #1: Final report. The final report is a Word document that includes all of the sections of the paper. As a guideline, it is expected that your paper will be at least 15 pages
Deliverable #2: 5-minute presentation. In Moodle, there is a link for a Panopto video assignment. [I will complete based on the final paper.]
This is a case study; please rely on public information and personal knowledge for references. Textbooks used for this course are:
Cloud Computing Concepts, Technology and Architecture by Thomas Erl, Zaigham Mahmood, and Ricardo Puttini (ASIN B00CM9V7Q8)
Ahead in the Cloud: Best Practices for Navigating the Future of Enterprise by Stephen Orban (ASIN B07BYQTGJ7)
Please reach out with any questions. I am attaching the firm used in his last class and the professor’s feedback. The company name is a pseudonym; I do not know the actual company that was used.

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