I am seeking a skilled individual to create hand-drawn axonometric drawings and

I am seeking a skilled individual to create hand-drawn axonometric drawings and plans for a simple and straightforward design. The drawings should be in a 1:50 scale, and I will provide you with exact measurements for accuracy.
Project Details:
Scope: Hand-drawn axonometric drawing and plan.
Scale: 1:50
Design: Attached below is the design, which is uncomplicated except for a spiral staircase positioned in the center.
Ability to create accurate hand-drawn drawings.
Proficiency in working with a 1:50 scale.
Capability to accurately depict the spiral staircase
Additional Information:I will supply you with precise measurements for the project. The main challenge lies in accurately drawing the central spiral staircase. Due to time constraints, I am seeking someone with the expertise to handle this efficiently.
I am on a tight schedule, so promptness and efficiency are crucial.
Thank you

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