How to Write your Paper First, take a look at this sample paper.Links to an exte

How to Write your Paper
First, take a look at this sample paper.Links to an external site.
You will type a 500+ word paper.
Follow these steps:Select one concept from a chapter in the module that we are currently working on this week.
Select one media source: TV show or film, book, song, etc., where the characters or situation depicts the concept.
Write your paper in this paragraph format:Paragraph 1: Outline the paper by writing a topic sentence for each paragraph. See the sample paperLinks to an external site. for an example.
Paragraph 2: Only discuss the concept. Discuss the basic parts of the concept and cite the module or textbook at the end of this paragraph.
Cite the textbook or module only in-text: (Last name(s), year) at the end of the second paragraph.
Paragraph 3: Only discuss a media example. Discuss the characters and the scene or situation.
Cite the media in-text at the end of the third paragraph.
Paragraph 4: Apply the concept to the media. Your application must accurately depict the concept, in detail. Explain how the concept is shown in the media that you choose.
Paragraph 5: You may either: Explain what your takeaway, what learned from applying this concept to your experience, or criticize the limitations of the concept, or write about ways you can better understand this application.
You must your paper in the form of a Microsoft Word document, .doc or .docx.
SCC students get Microsoft 365 for free.Links to an external site.
Paper Formatting
Bold the value dimension that you are applying in paragraphs 2 and 4.
The font should be Times New Roman and 12-point font
1-inch margins
Start writing your paper at the top of the first page.
Papers must be at least 500+ words. Points are lost for incomplete word count or page length.
No spacing gaps in-between the header and the first sentence, in-between paragraphs, or pages.
APA Citations
Citations are not included in the 500-word count minimum.
You must cite the module or textbook and the media example in APA format, in-text, and on a References page.
The in-text citations and Reference page must be in APA format.
Here is a website where you can generate APA citations and get detailed instructions on how to cite properly.Links to an external site. Watch this video on In-text citations.
Watch this video on APA References
Watch this video on paraphrasing
APA Citations
Citations are not included in the 500 word count minimum.
You must cite the module or textbook and the media example in APA format, in-text, and on a References page.
The in-text citations and Reference page must be in APA format.
Here is a website where you can generate APA citations and get detailed instructions on how to cite properly.Links to an external site.
Do not attempt to copy and paste sentences from websites like Course Hero or Quizlet.
Your papers go through Turn-It-In, which is database that will notify me if you took sentences from another source.
Students who plagiarize will be reported to the college and may be dropped from the course.
How to earn a Complete
Type 500+ words.
Follow the paragraph structure/format.
Apply a media example of your choice to a concept of your choice from this week’s module.
Cite the textbook or module and media example in an APA Reference page. See the References section in the paper example.
View Rubric
Paper Rubric, 2023 (1)
Paper Rubric, 2023 (1)
Paper formattingview longer description
All of the formatting requirements were met.Incomplete
Formatting missing.
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All of the paragraph requirements were met.Incomplete
Too many paragraphs do not follow the requirements.
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All of the APA in-text and Reference page citation requirements were met.Incomplete
APA in-text or Reference page citations are missing or there is no References page.
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The application in the 4th paragraph is explicitly explained and accurate to the concept.Incomplete
The concept was not applied to the media.

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