How to define myself and the difference between I and me The different status of

How to define myself and the difference between I and me
The different status of identity, (primary school, secondary school and the expectation of family).
Or how socialisation affect me?
Gender role:as I am a lesbian,I hope the essay can include the difficulties i would face and how I combat these obstacle.such as traditional value from my family or discrimination from society
Now I am studying in CUHK sociology
Final Term Paper (50%)
The course name and code, instructor’s name, student ‘s name and number, title of the paper and word count should be clearly stated on a cover sheet of your paper.
Deadline of Final Term Paper:
l Term paper: to be submitted to VeriGuide by 10th December 2023
l Soft copy of signed “Declaration Statement of Academic Honesty” and the Term paper should be submitted to Blackboard assignment drop box by 10th December 2023
This final term paper comprises 2 parts which are to be submitted in one document:
Part 1: Who am I? (20%)
In Part 1, you are required to reflect on your personal growth and development. You need to answer a central question, “who am I”.
a) You should make use of the theories or models mentioned in the course (e.g. the psychosocial perspective) and other related knowledge to guide your discussion to illustrate why you become the present “I”.
b) In addition, you need to discuss the significance of answering the question of “who am I” about your future personal growth and development (i.e., how such self-understanding shed light on the directions of your self-development).
c) You are expected to consult the relevant reference in completing this assignment.
Length: This part should not be more than 1000 words in English or 1500 words in Chinese, with a word count stated on the cover page of the paper. The word limit does not include the cover page (names, topic, etc), sub-titles, footnotes, and references.
Spacing & font size: Double-lined spacing. Font & size: New Times Roman, 12 pt
Citation style: You are expected to observe proper APA citation style. For details, please refer to:
Part 2: The major challenge that I will face in a specific area (30%)
In this part, you need to discuss one major challenge that you will face in one of the following areas:
l University life
l Love relationships
l Gender roles and sexuality
l Work and career
l Social changes and social responsibility
l Death and loss
l Values and meaning in life
a) You are expected to discuss how different factors, such as intrapersonal factors, interpersonal factors, as well as social/environmental factors (e.g. social changes, social realities, economic
and political changes, values, and culture of the society), may have an impact on the challenge that you face.
b) In addition, you need to reflect and illustrate how you may prepare yourself to face the challenge to experience personal growth and self-development.
c) You are expected to make use of the theories, models, and concepts mentioned in this course, in addition to other relevant knowledge to illustrate your discussions.
d) A list of references should be included in the paper at the end of the whole paper.
Length: This part should not be more than 1500 words in English or 2000 words in Chinese (with word count stated on the cover page)
Spacing & font size: Double-lined spacing. Font & size: Times New Roman, 12 pt
Citation style: You are expected to observe proper APA citation style.
For details, please refer to:

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