Hide Assignment Information Instructions In your reflection (200-300 words), please include the following components: 1. Choose to answer at least 3 of the guiding questions below. 1. Have you or someone close to you ever struggled to put food on the table? How do/did you deal with that? 2. Where did you turn for help? What did you learn from the film that you didn’t know already? Has it changed your perspective in any way? If so, how? 3. Barbie Izquierdo says that she grew up without enough food: “All my life I know what it’s like to eat Oodles of Noodles seven days a week, three, four times a day cause that’s all we had . . . When I had my children I said I would never, ever let them taste it . . . but life brings you situations . . . it’s up to you to be able to deal with it.” How do you think food security is related to the cyclical nature of poverty? In what ways do you think Barbie’s childhood of insufficient food affected her ability to provide healthy food options for her own children? 4. Rhee explains that she has to drive 45 minutes from her small town in Mississippi to reach a fully stocked grocery store, and Barbie has to travel over an hour each way on a bus. How far do you have to travel to reach a grocery store? How do you think proximity changes eating choices and behaviors? 5. One in three children born in the year 2000 will develop Type 2 diabetes. What are some of the factors shown in the film that add to the reasons why diet-related illness is increasing in young people at such an unprecedented level? What are some potential solutions to help slow down the rampant numbers of childhood diabetes? 6. Dr. Booker explains that diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes, which are exacerbated by obesity, are a growing concern among children. He sees education as the only solution and that it needs to start “very early on.” What are some examples from the film of ways that young people are being educated in their community about the importance of eating healthy food? 7. Marion Nestle explains that “we are spending $20 billion a year on agricultural subsidies for the wrong food.” If you had $20 billion to address food production, what would you do with it? 2. Discuss at least 2 takeaway points for a public health practitioner or other health professional related to food insecurity.
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