Here is the debug: Here are instructions for the exam that include

Here is the debug:
Here are instructions for the exam that include the coding problem:
Download ITP250MidTerm.docx
ITP250MidTerm.pdf Download ITP250MidTerm.pdf
Submit all files here when finished. In addition to the debug, you’ll have either 1 or 2 or 3 files depending on how you decide to code the classes and driver scriipt.

print(“Choose your activity from the below:”)
print(“1. Little activity (no exercise): Daily kilocalories recommended = BMR x 1.2”)
print(“2. Light activity (exercise 1–3 days per week): Daily kilocalories recommended = BMR x 1.375”)
print(“3. Moderate activity (exercise 3–5 days per week): Daily kilocalories recommended = BMR x 1.55”)
print(“4. Heavy activity (exercise 6–7 days per week): Daily kilocalories recommended = BMR x 1.725”)
print(“5. Very heavy activity (extra heavy workouts): Daily kilocalories recommended = BMR x 1.9”)
if activity_level == 1:
activity_factor = 1.2
elif activity_level == 2:
activity_factor = 1.375
elif activity_level == 3:
activity_factor = 1.55
elif activity_level == 4:
activity_factor = 1.725
BTW: when I completed the BMR class and the BRM class with Activity levels, here are the results of my test area:
p1 BRM Inputs(200, 72, 40)
p1 male_result: 1950.0
p1 female_result: 1675.5
p1 weight: 200
p1 height 72
p1 age 40
p2 BMR Activity Inputs(200, 72, 40, 1.2)
p2 bmr_male_activity_result: 2340.0
p2 bmr_female_activity_result: 2010.6
p2 weight 200
p2 height 72
p2 age 40
p2 activity_factor 1.2
(66 + (6.2 * self.weight) + (12.7 * self.height) – (6.76 * self.age))
return (655.1 + (4.35 * self.weight) + (4.7 * self.height) – (4.7 * self.age))

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