Format: length: 3 pages, double spaced font: 11-point, Calibri margins: top, bot

length: 3 pages, double spaced
font: 11-point, Calibri
margins: top, bottom 1”; left, right 1”
DO NOT quote large sections of the text. I would prefer if you did not quote at all, but if you must, merely put the author and page number in parentheses, e.g. (Newton, pg 160).
DO NOT use any outside sources. There is no need to use outside sources on a paper of this kind. I know the language of the text and of the discussion in lecture. If you use outside sources, it will be immediately obvious to me. Use only your brain, the text and your notes.
DO NOT collaborate with other students in writing your paper. You are, of course, allowed to discuss the material and assignment with each other. But the act of writing must be done independently.
DO NOT assume that your reader is familiar with the course. Your paper should be self-contained and written as if you were presenting the material to someone outside the course—who has had no previous exposure to it.
You are to write a single, well-structured essay, responding to the following prompt:
In “A Metaphysics of Ordinary Things,” Baker sets out the idea of “constitution.” Explain what the fundamental idea is, according to Baker. Baker then compares constitution to three other relations. What are they, and how does Baker compare them? Next, in “The Ontology of Artifacts,” Baker elaborates on the idea of constitution. According to Baker, for x to constitute y, x must be in what she calls “favourable circumstances.” Using your own kind of example, illustrate what Baker means by “favourable circumstances” underlying constitution. Finally, explain the difference, for Ritchie, between systems which have “internal” and “external” social structures. Give an example for each of these types of social structure and say why the example you’ve given demonstrates internal or external social structure, respectively.

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