For your final project, you will choose a word that was not included as one of t

For your final project, you will choose a word that was not included as one of the course keywords. You need to choose a word that you think should be one of the keywords for American religion. The word can begin with any letter of the alphabet, and you can think of it as replacing or adding to our course keywords list. The final project can be written as an essay (2000 words), recorded as a video presentation (10 minutes of scripted analysis), or as creative offering (e.g. an original artwork or musical composition accompanied by written explanation, etc.). You may refer to “FrequenciesLinks to an external site.” or “A Universe of TermsLinks to an external site.” on The Immanent Frame as resources and models for your work.
Your keyword final project should do the following:
describe some important aspect of American religion;
draw on course materials (readings, lectures, and/or discussions);
justify or explain why your word belongs on a list of “keywords in American religion”;
incorporate new sources or ideas based on research you conduct;
show high quality work (i.e. well-written prose, imaginative artwork, and/or careful audio/video production).

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