For this Practitioner Application, you are to place yourself in the role of Poli

For this Practitioner Application, you are to place yourself in the role of Policy Analyst for a health policy think tank (i.e., policy institute) based in the US city of your choice. (An actual city within a US state must be selected as this exercise deals with state health policy and also involves formal market research. The given US state will serve as the focus of your exercise.) The think tank is known as Newcastle Exemplar and it provides insights to government officials and others regarding issues concerning health and medicine, including the identification of avenues of improvement. Newcastle Exemplar’s executive director has requested that you examine the state’s health efforts and associated results. Then, formulate a series of recommendations for achieving enhanced performance going forward, supplying a report which then can be used to assist policymakers.
Submissions must incorporate a minimum of ten (10) references, with at least three (3) being from scholarly academic journals. (If you cannot ascertain whether a journal does or does not qualify as scholarly academic, contact the Noel Library and request assistance.) References may be prepared using the style guide of your choice (e.g., APA, MLA); just be sure to consistently use the selected style. As Moodle formatting is limited, style guide requirements apply only to the preparation and presentation of references. In-text citations, of course, must be provided. Treat this as a formal report, rather than an informal web post.
In presenting your work, identify the title, your name and student ID number, and submission date at the top of your submission and supply the following headings, exactly as they appear below, placing each in bold text:
I. Introduction
In this section, supply a brief introduction, helping the reader grasp the intent of the forthcoming work.
II. State Profile
In this section, supply a brief overview of the US state of focus, noting population, demographic characteristics, and any other helpful background information.
III. Key Parties in State Health Policy
In this section, identify and briefly profile key elected officials in the state. Do the same for state government agencies which heavily focus on health policy matters. Be sure to also identify the leaders of those agencies.
IV. An Overview of Positive Health Findings
In this section, supply an overview of the positive health findings observed in the state, being sure to justify your claims with information from the state, policy institutes, and other reliable sources. Merely providing opinions is insufficient!
V. An Overview of Negative Health Findings
In this section, supply an overview of the negative health findings observed in the state, being sure to justify your claims with information from the state, policy institutes, and other reliable sources. Merely providing opinions is insufficient!
VI. Recommendations for Improvement
In this section, reflecting on the possibilities, present at least five recommendations for the state to implement to enhance healthcare and achieve improved results. Based on what it currently is experiencing, indicate how the health status of the populace can be improved, how shortcomings can be remedied, etc. Justifications for recommendations are required. Political feasibility also must be estimated. Use the following subheadings for each recommendation:
Recommendation 1 (In this section, provide a detailed description of your first recommendation.)
Recommendation 2 (In this section, provide a detailed description of your second recommendation.)
Recommendation 3 (In this section, provide a detailed description of your third recommendation.)
Recommendation 4 (In this section, provide a detailed description of your fourth recommendation.)
Recommendation 5 (In this section, provide a detailed description of your fifth recommendation.)
NOTE: If recommendations number more than the five required by the executive director, simply add headings as needed, numbering them, accordingly (e.g., Recommendation 6, Recommendation 7, etc.)
VII. Conclusions
In this section, summarize and bring the report to a conclusion.
VIII. References
In this section, supply a list of references conforming with the instructions listed elsewhere in this communication.

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