For this paper, you will reflect on one of your own past experiences. This could

For this paper, you will reflect on one of your own past experiences. This could be an experience you had as a leader, an experience you had as a subordinate with a leader or an experience you observed between a leader and another constituency. In reflecting on the experience, consider on what was done well and what could have been improved in terms of the action/reaction by the leader in light of what you have learned in class. Although you will inevitably need to describe what happened during a past experience, the analysis should not be a detailed report of everything that happened. Instead, you should focus on analyzing the positive and negative aspects based on course lessons and your reason for those assessments.
Be 3-5 pages in length, double-spaced
Be written at a graduate student level
Provide a brief summary of the situation so the reader can understand the leadership applications
Be organized and flow in a logical sequence
Be proofread and free from grammatical errors
Include application from at least one of the leadership styles studied in this course
Use in-text citations of materials where appropriate
Demonstrate critical thinking and reflection

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