For this assignment, you are asked to write a diagnostic and treatment paper bas

For this assignment, you are asked to write a diagnostic and treatment paper based on a fictional
case of a child. Below, you are provided with a description of the child, their presenting
problems and related history, and assessment data.
Using this information, provide the following (with these 3 sections included in your paper):
Diagnostic Impressions
• What diagnosis/diagnoses do you think Emma meets criteria for, if any? Make sure to
support your diagnosis/diagnoses by connecting the information provided with the DSM
o If you believe she may meet criteria for a symptom, but you are not sure you have
all the information needed to be certain, you may say so. Be sure to explain what
information is missing.
o The DSM is accessible through UB Libraries
• What diagnosis/diagnoses did you consider but ultimately decide were not relevant (and
(Abbreviated) Case Conceptualization
• Based on the information provided, what factors may be contributing to maintenance of
her current problem?
• How do you see Emma’s difficulties contributing to each other?
Treatment Plan:
• Based on the information provided, along with the maintenance factors identified, what is
your treatment recommendation(s)? Think about which treatment(s) will best help Emma
address the symptoms she is struggling with. Describe components of the treatment and
which symptoms the treatment is expected to improve.
o This plan should also include a plan for monitoring progress and justification for
the recommended approach(es), based on research.
• Include treatment prognosis, based on research.
• Please note at least 1 “competing” intervention that was considered, and why it was ruled
• Include at least three scholarly, peer- reviewed articles published in 2021 or later
Additional Requirements
• The paper should be a maximum of 6 pages, 12-point Times New Roman font, double
spaced, and in APA style.
Tha case study is :

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