For the course project I would like you to watch the some videos and do some res

For the course project I would like you to watch the some videos and do some research on the highly publicized case of Dee Dee and Gypsy Blanchard. The videos you will be watching will be from the trial of Gypsy’s boyfriend, Mr. Nicholas Godejohn.
Please watch the following videos. There are a total of 5 videos you must watch.
1) Opening Statement for Prosecution
2) Opening Statement for Defense
3) Gypsy’s Testimony Part 1

4) Gypsy’s Testimony Part 2

5) Verdict

After watching all of these videos, and doing some research online regarding the specifics of the case; please complete a two page paper (not including a cover page and reference page) by answering the following questions:
1.Give a synopsis of the case and what actually happened and who did what.
2. What did you think about the prosecutions opening statement, how about for the defense?

3.Which opening statement do you think is strong?
4.How do you feel about Gypsy’s testimony?
5.What kind of emotions do you think she went through while testifying?
6.Could you see her go through those emotions?
7. Do you agree or disagree with the verdict?
8. Even though this was the boyfriend’s trial, Gypsy did not have a trial as she pled guilty and was sentenced to only ten years. Do you feel that this was a fair sentence for her based on what she had gone through her entire life or do you feel she should have gotten something more strict and long term?
Please complete your paper in Microsoft Word in the proper formating, either APA. Don’t forget your cover page and your reference page. Your reference page with include whatever research you found for a synopsis of the case and the youtube video links.

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