For the Community Resource Project you are required to develop a resource of com

For the Community Resource Project you are required to develop a resource of community agencies and resources that are available online for our local community, the state of California, or nationally. For this assignment, your resource project should include four (4) sections of various websites and information that is useful for children, parents, educators and/ or administrators in the field of education, child, and/or family studies. In addition, the resources should be beneficial in assisting with the health, education, or welfare of children and families. An advanced search for .org, .gov, or, .edu will help in finding legitimate and appropriate websites. You must review the website and available information for validity.
Your project must include the following:
4 main sections
Other (as related to course content- your choice!)
A minimum of 5 websites per section (20 total websites) that must include the following:
Title of each website
URL of each website or hyperlink URL to title
Brief description or overview of resource information found within each website/resource
Possible topics for “other” resources include:
alcohol/ drugs
abuse/ mandated reporting
activities for children or families
children’s services
education (regular/special programs)
foster care/ foster youth
nutrition/ health/ safety
recreation (clubs, sports, camps, events, etc.)
parenting programs
community legal information
crisis/ emergency services
counseling services

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