For Paragraph One: Select one composer covered in the course textbook and find h

For Paragraph One: Select one composer covered in the course textbook and find him/her in The New Grove
Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition (2000) [printed book version—no other edition (including Grove
On-Line) is acceptable]. Read the article and use your first paragraph to choose and summarize the most
important facts of his/her life. This summary must be written in your own words, but every sentence that has a
fact you learned from the article must be given an endnote. Note: endnotes or footnotes are required, and will
be the only citation formats accepted for this assignment. Parenthetical citations are not allowed. If using
footnotes (the default setting in Google Docs), such citations do not count towards the one-page limit, and a
corresponding “spill-over” into a second page is acceptable.
For Paragraph Two: For Paragraph Two: Using Naxos Online, find a recording featuring this composer. Listen
to at least fifteen minutes of this recording. Write down the full title or titles of works you heard. Then write a
paragraph describing the kind of melody you heard, the tempo, the most noticeable dynamics, the instruments
or voices used, the texture — was it polyphonic or homophonic, etc. Use at least three music terms correctly in
this paragraph. This paragraph will also require an endnote/footnote because your source for your descriiption
was the recording, and the endnote/footnote should include the relevant publication information, including the
original company/label, recording number, year of release, and a link to the recording.
For Paragraph Three: Using the computer find a printed book about this composer. Find a sentence or two where the author of the book makes an important statement
about WHY this composer is well known. For this paragraph include this statement as a quote, putting it in
quotation marks and being absolutely exact in taking the author’s wording, and give it an endnote/footnote since
it is someone else’s work. Then, give your reaction to or opinion on this statement based on the listening sample
you heard. You may agree or disagree with the author, but state your reasons convincingly. Here you do not
need an endnote or footnote, but make it clear that this is YOUR opinion and reaction, and not an absolute truth.
The project should comprise five pages:
Page 1: Has three equal paragraphs of text on one page, in regular font, and double spaced (excepting footnote related spillover).
Page 2: Has the endnotes for page 1 AND the bibliography of the three sources you used, including a link to the
Naxos recording you used for paragraph two.
Page 3: Scan of book title page, for the source employed for paragraph three
Page 4: Scan of the same book’s copyright page
Page 5: Scan of page that has your quote from that book.

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