For each lecture/discussion, find a piece of supporting literature that further

For each lecture/discussion, find a piece of supporting literature
that further addresses the lecture/discussion topic. Look for
commentaries (e.g., The Atlantic,Time), editorials (e.g., professional
journals), opinion pieces (e.g., New York Times) from reputable sources.
Save the supporting literature piece in PDF format.
3. Develop a manuscript that addresses the following:
Brief description of the first interprofessional session. Who was
there? How was the topic addressed? What elements of the discussion
weresimilar/different from what you found in the literature?
Brief description of the second interprofessional session. Who was
there? How was topic addressed? What elements of the discussion were
similar/different from what you found in the literature?
Synthesis: What did you draw from this assignment, in its totality? This
can include “what I learned,” but more importantly should include “what
I am thinking as I embark on interprofessional practice.” Are you
inspired at how far we have come in having difficult conversations as an
interprofessional team, or are you disheartened that there isn’t more
common ground in interprofessional discussions? Were the sessions worthy
of your time? Were the sessions worthy of everyone’s collective time in
promoting interprofessional communication?
4. In developing the final interesting, informative, and comprehensive manuscript, attend to the following writing conventions:
 Use select format elements from APA Style:
1. Double-spacing.
2. 1-inch margins.
3. Running header.
4. Times New Roman 12-point font.
5. Title page.
6. Use of APA-style heading to guide faculty in finding the assignment elements.
7. References (including the two document citations).

Attention to brevity, as shown by commitment to the length requirement.
Submission should be no more than 5 total pages in length (1 title
page, 1 reference page, 2-3 written content pages).
 Opening and
closing paragraphs (consider headings, as appropriate), and use of topic
sentences to organize your descriptions and thoughts into paragraphs.
Lecture 1 (9/27/23)- starts at 1:40
Lecture 2 (10/25/23) – starts at 6:10
The manuscript is the primary focus for this assignment

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