First, read and watch the texts and videos related to Ottoman Mosque Architectur

First, read and watch the texts and videos related to Ottoman Mosque Architecture:
The Art of the Ottoman Empire before 1600 (Links to an external site.)
The Age of Suleyman the “Magnificent”
The Hagia Sophia as a Mosque (Links to an external site.)
Sinan, The Sulimaniye Mosque
Then, use the comparison images to compare and contrast the Hagia Sophia from the Byzanitne Era with the Sulimaniye Mosque, constructed in 1558. Write around a 150-200 word essay comparing the two monuments. Please use the following questions to guide you:
How are the domes different?
How is the fenestration (windows) different?
Which structure appears lighter and why?
What elements from the Hagia Sophia seem to inspire Sinan, the architect of the Sulimaniye?
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