first do the reflection on the word Purpose: Develop a common language for discu

first do the reflection on the word
Develop a common language for discussing cultural diversity
Discuss a three-step process for developing cross-cultural competenc0bb017c07
every thing on the word document
then i need a disscution
STEP 1: Following a thorough review of the Cultural Iceberg material in Module 10, post two images: one that represents a dimension of your culture that could be categorized within the tip of the cultural iceberg and another that represents a dimension of your culture that could be categorized within the submerged content of the cultural iceberg.
STEP 2: Provide a brief description of each image and justification for its placement within the cultural iceberg.
STEP 3: Use the 12 Principles for Cross-cultural competence to identify a method that someone could use to learn more about the “below the surface” cultural example you chose in steps 1 and 2. Provide a brief explanation of why you chose the method and how it could be effective.

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