Do assigned reading, pages 109-120 Living Inspirations and 169-171 Negotiation A

Do assigned reading, pages 109-120 Living Inspirations and 169-171 Negotiation Alchemy
and discuss in Canvas discussion board
apply and analyze their reading and
other learning and post 200-300 words in Canvas every week
Erbe, N. (2011) Negotiation Alchemy: Global Skills Inspiring and Transforming
Diverging Worlds. Berkeley: Public Policy Press.
2. Erbe, N. (2021). Living Inspiration: A TEXT/WORKBOOK for Applied Ethics, Public
Speaking, Human Relations and Creative Good (The Leadership Skills Every
Employer Seeks: Be the Change You Wish to See). Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall
Hunt. This text focuses on using the arts for
inner exploration, expression and peacebuilding as well as exploring and exploring one’s
own humanity through gender, values, etc
I have no access to the books so if you do, please accept! thank you!

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