Defensive Writing: (Research based) Defense of your own or someone else’s work i

Defensive Writing: (Research based) Defense of your own or someone else’s work in response to an existing criticism/critical writing citing a minimum of four published sources. (1500 words) Must be formatted using Chicago Style with annotated bibliography.
Assignment Prompts:
Choose a work or body of work to write about – it can be your own or someone else’s, but you must have some record of analysis (critique notes, reviews, peer writings) about the work on which to build a response. Select something that is meaningful to you. This can include anything that can be argued to fall under the category of “Visual Media” – films, comics, gallery/museum art, a fine dining experience, performance, street art, high fashion, etc.
Describe the dominant critical methodology used to position the work (e.g., capitalism in relationship to graphic design, Clement Greenberg and Modernism in relationship to Pollock, Donald Judd’s work in relationship to his statement Specific Objects, blockbuster movies in relationship to the male gaze.) Cite sources to support your description.
Explain how you relate to aforementioned “dominant critical methodology/dominant ideology.” Do you agree with it? If so, what do you feel culture has to gain from it? If not, what aspects do you feel are inaccurate, misinformed, or aligned with a dominant social politic with which you generally disagree?
Introduce sources that support your argument. Explain how these ideologies more closely relate to what you believe to be the alignment of the work in question. Use citations and footnotes to reinforce your position.
Is the dominant methodology supporting or repressing certain populations, institutions, or ideologies? What could potentially change if the work is re-framed? What can be gained by this on a broader social or cultural level?

Posted in Art

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