Copy and paste or type the job descriiption of the job you are interviewing for

Copy and paste or type the job descriiption of the job you are interviewing for here. A job descriiption should include the job title, responsibilities, required education and experience. The job should be one you could do with your present credentials, located in Memphis, and help prepare you for your future career.  Please locate a job descriiption in Handshake, as shown in the video posted under Content.
Copy and paste the company profile (information about the employer or company that is posted under the job descriiption on Handshake. (
Step One: Copy and paste the Mission statement of the company you would be working for below.  The mission statement refers to what the company does and how it goes about it.  You should find this at the company’s website or in a Google search. Step Two: Highlight all the SOFT SKILLS in this Mission statement.
This question applies to the Mission statement (3). Explain the goals or values that you have in common with those posted in this mission statement. Do you feel prepared or eager to work for a company with this mission statement? Why or why not?
5. What is something newsworthy or interesting about this company?  Explain what you located the article and what you learned about the company or employer from this news article. (Find this in a Google search or at the company’s website. But do not locate this information in Handshake.)
Now go back to the job descriiption in question one and select the hard skills and soft skills that are required for this job.  Both hard skills AND soft skills will be mentioned in the job descriiption, requirements, duties, and so on.
First, locate two hard or technical skills listed in the job descriiption. A hard skill requires specific training, experience, certification, etc. Examples: experience using Microsoft Word or excel, drawing blood, writing lesson plans, short-order cooking, driving a forklift, completing tax forms, answering a telephone in a business, or using social media. Requirements for a valid driver’s license, a teacher’s certificate, or completion of a particular degree are also hard skills.
6. Hard skill 1 ______________________ How and where did you learn or obtain this skill? (Think about school, athletics, extracurricular activities, church, and volunteering as well as jobs.). What did you do that demonstrates your learning or command of this hard skill? It is okay to say you are still enrolled in a class or classes where you are learning that hard skill. Be specific.)
7. Hard skill 2 __________How and where did you obtain this hard skill? What did you do that demonstrates your command of this hard skill?
Now, locate soft skills that are required. A SOFT skill is anything other than a technical skill. Examples are working on a team, interacting with culturally diverse people, managing conflict, interacting in a professional manner, communicating in public, communicating interpersonally. Review your textbook and PowerPoints for more information about soft skills.  Soft skills are often mentioned in the job descriiption.  If they are not, you should be able to deduce what they are.
8. Soft skill 1_______________ How and where did you obtain this soft skill? (Think about school, athletics, and extracurricular activities as well as jobs you have held) What did you do that demonstrates your command of this soft skill? BE SPECIFIC).
9. Soft skill 2 _______________ How and where did you obtain this soft skill? What did you do that demonstrates your command of this soft skill?
10. Soft skill 3 ______________ How and where did you obtain this soft skill? What did you do that demonstrates your command of this soft skill?

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